Zen Circle

Su-Chu Hsu
Shih-Ta Liu
Chi-Hung Tsai
Chia-Wen Chen
Yu-Hsiung Huang

specialty : double spiral layout to express mandala and sound form

We used wireless sensor networks, and audio feedback (natural sounds and brahma music) to guide participants to do walking meditation as they engage in walking zen_Circle (the shape of two embedded spirals). People can walk and think (or meditate) and adjust the pace to relax in movement, and experience the benef its of dynamic Zen.

pause and meditate

Two modes : Jinxing mode, Paoxiang Mode

Supporting a single participant for slow walking with specif ic posture suggestions. 

Zen_Circle has five sensor nodes. The sensor nodes detect whenever a participant is passing and the speakers play the sound of bird song , dry leaves , insects , rushing water. 

If the participant pause and meditate in the center of the circle longer than ten seconds, all speakers play synchronized brahma music (emptiness)

slow walking
slow walking

Paoxiang advanced mode:

is a more advanced mode to let people who have had Jingxing experience to practice.

Supports multiple participants in meditative walking practice.

The central node generates random different sounds to direct people in paoxiang practice: slow walking, fast walking, and pausing.

slow walking phase
fast walking phase
pausing phase
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