Born in 1957 in Jeseník, Czech Republic, formerly Czechoslovakia.
Creative activity
„It’s simple: people create works, and we do what we can with them – we just use them for ourselves“ (Serge Daney)
The intent on printmaking and used graphic art. In the area of graphic design is the cooperation with a lot of Czech publishing houses. In last years is evident the concentration on serigraphy in free graphic art. They organized together with academic artist Prof. Ovčáček workshop Serigrafia (in 2001 already fifth volume). He partakes in creation of Serigraphy centre at the Department of Fine Arts, whose part is representative convolution of Czech serigraphy, collecting in the intersection the representatives of contemporary Czech and Slovak serigraphy. The collection has a comparative, exhibitory and pedagogical mission. Membership in the Union of creative artists Ostrava, in Club of open culture Ostrava, and Association Q Brno, Hollar, Prag, Umělecká beseda, Prag.
International Exhibitions (selection by 2019 – 2020)
Trio, Galerie Aula, Academy of Fine Arts Gdansk, Poland
Grafie. Multigraficzne aspekty relacji twórzych, Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Częstochowie, Poland
7 Mediations Biennale Polska, Events Horrizon, Warszawa, Poland
Pavilion O2 Hanover, Ein transnationaler Pavillon zur Erkundung des gemeinsamen Bio-und Cyber-Raums der Zukunft, Kunsthalle Faust und Außenraum Germany
Medea 2020, Event horizon, Syros, Grece
Participation in international shows and exhibitions of graphic art (selection by 2019 – 2020)
Pavilon 02, Giudecca Art District, La Biennale di Venezia, Benátky, Italy –
Gray Zone / Szara Zona, Šedá zóna, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej „Elektrownia“, Czeladź,