Born in Hamburg, Germany
1982-88 Studies: Fine Arts Department University Wuppertal/Germany (Prof. Michael Badura); Singing (Claudia Visca; Opera Wuppertal, Music Academy, Wien)
1989 Doktorate “Kandinsky: Bühnenkomposition und Dichtung als Realisation seines Synthese-Konzepts”
Since 2006 Professor of painting at Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter/Bonn
2008 founding the Institute of „Kunst im sozialen Brennpunkt“ (Art in social focal point)
Since 2008 intercultural, interdisciplinary, participatory art projects, interventions in the public space and performances in Romania, Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Poland, Lithuania, China, Iran, Russia, Germany
International exhibitions
2015 Visiting Professorship Jana Mateijki Academy Krakow/Poland
and Visual Arts Department Stellenbosch-University Stellenbosch/South-Africa
2016 Visiting Professorship Fine Arts Department/Al Quds University in Abu Dis/Palestine
2017 Visiting Professorship Visual Arts Department Sichuan China University Chengdu/China
2018 Visiting Professorship Vilnius Academy of Arts / Lithuania
Works and lives in Wuppertal and Bonn
Works in painting, drawing, art objects; urban and multi-aesthetic performances and interventions in the public space
What art can do?
Ulrika Eller-Rüter is a German based artist. She is producing art projects in different countries around the world (Palestine, Poland, South Africa, Nicaragua, Romania, Russia, Iran, China and Germany) that are in nature interdisciplinary and performative, intercultural and participatory.
Participants of her interventions in public space are very often marginalized people. Her multimedia performances include elements of visual arts, music and dancing. Her installations, paintings, drawings and interventions in the public space are based on her interest in life-stories, memories and shadows in order to explore the subcutaneous. In her researches she is looking for acupuncture points in social context and society.
In her new water project “Sea- Level” is a metaphor of her explorations of the behind.