Born in 1999 in Siemianowice Śląskie, as a graduate of the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and employee of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, he works in various experimental media. He creates installations, graphics and virtual projects (Virtual Reality). Underlying this motivation is the desire to create unprecedented, unique, spatial experiences. Since 2017 she has been collaborating with the Intermedia Experiment Gallery LAB303, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. He conducts workshops and lectures with students in the Intermedia and Digital Techniques Studio. From 2019 she collaborates with Mediations Biennale Poland and with the University of Ostrava, Faculty of Fine Arts. From 2020, he collaborates with the GAD Giudecca Art District in Venice, and from 2021 with the Academy of Fine Arts in Banska Bystrica and Pavilion 0 in Venice.
“The assumptions of each project are based on precisely defined issues such as material, scale, distance, structure, form, light, meaning. Through empirical processes and experimental activities, both in computational descriptive geometry and material systems, the projects develop primarily towards the sensation of spatial experience.
The virtual spherical objects presented in the various exhibitions have their genesis in the physical exploration and analysis of various material structures, especially metal structures. On the basis of the atomic crystal structure, the author constructs a whole range of works from flat prints, spatial images to virtual digital objects in a thought process. We can refer to Filip Gajewski’s work as visual representation, as a transcription of the elements of the observable universe. It is his way, a means of communication, a direct, concise language, a visual code in its discovery. Marshall McLuhan (1962), looking at a modern civilisation dominated by ever-evolving technological advances, noted that it was entering from the Gutenberg era to the so-called Marconi era, in which digital media dominate. Through these media we can further understand the universe around us. Its structure and complexity. The crystallography of a metal, is characterised by: the chemical composition of the material, the size, the shape of the grains, and the mutual distribution of the different phases, the degree of defect in the crystal lattice and the distribution of structural defects. Transferring scientific issues to art is the visual language used by Filip Gajewski. His visual representation as a hybridity of the creative process manifests itself in the juxtaposition of traditional artefacts – paper, metal – with the use of new technologies – software environment, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) – as tools for editing and creation.”
Dr Jakub Cikała, Universe as purest form – a self-contained creative environment