Andreas Guskos

PhD D.Sc. Andreas Guskos, Associate Professor Ph.D. and D.Sc. in Art. MA Eng. In Architecture.

Working in the fields of Art, Design and Architecture, on the edge of Art, Science and Technology and in the frames of Natural Philosophy. Exhibited and presented his works in Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, UAE, USA, Taiwan, Hongkong, Mainland China, Israel and Japan. 

Vice Rector for International Cooperation of the Academy of Art in Szczecin, Poland. President of the Association for the Support of Art, Science and Technology Development MEDEA. Originator and developer of the International Interdisciplinary Symposia on Art, Science and Technology MEDEA.

Main themes: Unvisible Landscapes; Nature, Art, Science and Technology; Creation and Education in the Space of Information

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